About RACE

As part of the DARPA CRAFT program, RACE aims to catalyze ASIC design by enabling sharing of knowledge across CRAFT project participants, as well as the broader community, and enhancing the design process through re-use and automation of flows.

Responsible for building a trusted repository for the CRAFT program, the goal of RACE is to make it easier, faster, and cheaper to design ASICs. Our approach will be to lower the barriers to efficiency by enabling seamless interaction across tools and flows, re-use of IP and design flows, and knowledge and experience sharing. Automation of design flows will make it easier to find results of verification to reuse, invoke tools, sweep through test benches, gather necessary files and tailor to the computational infrastructure.


Innovative Claims

RACE will:

  • Use metadata to describe IP components and tools, develop ways to share elements and tools, and facilitate design flow composition
  • Apply automation to enhance the productivity of ASIC designers (speeding up the processes of verification, reuse of design components)
  • Use proven, open-source, software technologies from industry and academia


Major Challenges

Some of the major challenges we anticipate include working with a variety of tools and IP, as well as a number of different teams with potentially different needs, and respecting privacy concerns.


This project is funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency under award HR0011-16-C-0043.